Hair Mesotherapy and PRP are performed.
Hairç What is mesotherapy?
Hairç Mesotherapy is a treatment for hair follicles and hair. wires need; It is the injection of vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes into the scalp with thin needles. By administering substances beneficial to hair directly into the skin, cellular metabolism is stimulated and tissues are revitalized.
Hair; What are the benefits of mesotherapy?
- Hairç It prevents hair loss.
- Improves the quality of hair.
- New hair; Regulates its output.
Hairç What type of hair does mesotherapy use? Is it effective in hair loss?
- Alopecia Areata (hair loss)
- Androgenic alopecia (male pattern hair loss)
- Stress welded sheet metal shedding
- Seasonal hair loss hair loss
- Metabolic hair loss
- Sudden hair loss after pregnancy Hair loss due to all other reasons. spills
How many? session is applied?
Hairç Before starting mesotherapy, the hair of the person to be treated must be checked. Its structure is investigated and analyzed. Then, how damaged the hair is, the age of the patient, the rate of loss and the strand structure of the hair are examined. After this analysis is done, how much of the application will be determined? The duration of the session is determined.
According to the needs of the hair, PRP treatment is performed once a week or every 2 weeks. It can be done as a session. Each session takes an average of 20-30 minutes. After 6-8 sessions of application, maintenance treatment is recommended at certain intervals.
What should be taken into consideration after the treatment?
On the day of the procedure, the hair should not be washed or wetted and it should not be given any medication. ; and care cure. It is recommended not to use it.