Hair Lice infestation is a preventable and treatable health problem. hairç Lice infestation is caused by very small (1-2 mm), wingless, gray insects that live and breed in human hair and feed by sucking blood. It is seen with the complaint of itching, especially on the back of the neck. It is a parasitic skin disease. It is more common in women than in men. However, it is still a problem that threatens the health of people in public places, especially school age children, their families and their social environment.
Hair; How do lice live?
The average lifespan of lice is 30 days. Approximately 10 eggs called vinegar are added to your hair at night. leaves it at the bottom. Nits that adhere tightly to the hair settle mostly in the warmer areas, behind the ears and on the back of the neck. They hatch from their eggs and become visible in approximately 7-10 days. They mature in the next 10 days and become adult lice. While nits can survive on clothes outside the human body for up to 10 days, lice can survive for 1-2 days.
Hair. In whom and where are lice seen?
Hair Lice infestation is mostly seen in school-age children. Transmission occurs more easily in crowded environments where people live together and use common items.
Hairç How are lice transmitted?
Close physical contact (head-to-head) with a sick person or combs, brushes, scarves, pillows, hats and feathers belonging to that person. It is transmitted through shared personal items such as toys. Hairç Lice can be transmitted up to 1 meter away from the sick person while combing or changing sweaters.
How to detect lice and nits?
Hair should be examined regularly using fine-toothed combs to check for lice and nits on the comb or towel. It is more difficult to see lice than to see nits because Lice can move and hide. In this case, the scalp should be examined by a doctor under a special light to make a diagnosis.
Is lice infestation related to cleaning?
Hair Lice are not a sign of being dirty and filthy.
Hair How is lice treated?
Hair Anyone who has close contact with people who have lice should be treated. Patients' personal belongings should not be shared.
How to clean previously shared items?
Items such as brushes, combs, hats, headscarves, pillowcases and towels should be washed with hot water, and items that cannot be washed should be kept in a sealed bag for 1 week. Carpets, home and car seats should be thoroughly cleaned. Shaving the hair may help in the treatment.
How is the treatment applied?
The disease is treated by applying the chemical shampoo or lotion given to you by your doctor to the scalp. The hair is wetted and the medicine is applied. It is applied all over the scalp, left for 10 minutes and then rinsed. A week later, the newly hatched lice were removed from the eggs. And to remove it The application is repeated. Treatment of nits containing lice eggs is important. They should be cleaned one by one by hand or with the help of a comb, otherwise lice may recur after a while.
How should hair be combed after treatment?
Wet combing is an effective mechanical cleaning method for removing lice. Shampoos and lotions kill nits but do not remove them from the hair. For this, chemical medicine is used; After treatment;
Wet the hair thoroughly with the solution you prepared by mixing equal volumes of vinegar and water. Then put on a shower cap and wait at least 15 minutes. Comb the hair thoroughly with a fine-toothed comb without damaging it. Then wash the hair with shampoo.
This combing process is repeated every 3-4 days for about 2 weeks until the lice are completely removed. This method is a good alternative for very young children and those who do not want to use chemical agents. However, it is a time-consuming, long-term treatment method
Should the treatment be repeated?
The treatment can be repeated after one week.