It is the abbreviation of the name given to the platelet-enriched part obtained after centrifugation of 8 ml of blood taken from the patient with the help of a special kit. The application is done by administering this separated blood to the skin after needle or micro-puncture procedures. The growth factors it contains stimulate the cells called fibroblasts, which are responsible for collagen and elastin production, and provide repair and renewal in the applied tissue.

PRP Application Areas

  • Improvement of wrinkles on the face, neck, décolleté area and hands, restoration of elasticity and shine (antiaging)
  • Acne and scars
  • Laser, golden needle, To increase effectiveness immediately after applications such as dermapen
  • Blemish treatment
  • Cellitis, striae and wound healing
  • Hair treatment. It can be applied alone or in combination with hair mesotherapy for hair loss (male pattern hair loss (androgenic alopecia), alopecia areata), seasonal hair loss.
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    After PRP application, brightness, vitality and tightening are observed on the skin. Acne scars, fine wrinkles, scars and blemishes disappear.

    Hair. After the application, the weakened hair roots are nourished, tissue blood circulation increases, and the hair is revitalized.

    Who cannot undergo PRP?

    *Coagulation problem. For those who are pregnant,

    *For pregnant women

    *Cancer patients

    The procedure is performed in 3-6 sessions at 2-3 week intervals and takes approximately 30 minutes.

    Acne, acne and scar treatment:

    In our clinic, dermapen, chemical peelings, acnelan,  prp, max deep IR (golden needle), palomar max G, palomar er-glass It can be treated with 1540 fractional laser methods.

    Blemish treatment:

    In our clinic, topical creams, glycolic acid peeling, cosmelan enzymatic peeling, dermapen, mesotherapy, prp, max deep IR ( Spot treatment is performed using methods such as golden needle), palomar max G laser, palomar fractional 1540 er-glass laser, depending on the suitability of the person.