Moisture Filling and Moisture Vaccine Izmir
Due to seasonal change, many people experience skin dryness and moisture loss problems. Skin that loses its natural moisture begins to experience problems such as wrinkles and volume loss over time. Different beauty methods are used to restore the structure and health of the skin. Thanks to the applied methods, the missing moisture needs of the skin are met. One of the most effective methods used to meet the moisture need is known as moisture vaccination.
With the moisture vaccination method, the skin is revitalized both instantly and in the long term. Moisture vaccine, which contains ingredients that act as a barrier against water loss in the skin over time, helps the skin regain lost moisture by supporting the production of its own natural moisturizing factor.
What is the Moisture Vaccine Content?
N-acetyl glucosamine is naturally found in the connective tissue of our body. Moisture vaccine, which contains the substance used effectively in the production of hyaluronic acid, ensures that moisture is trapped in the skin thanks to hyaluronic acid. The reason for this is that tissues have a hydrophilic structure, that is, they love water very much. Moisture vaccine helps to increase the level of hyaluronic acid in the body. In this way, the skin can protect itself against dehydration situations. Thanks to all these features, very successful results are achieved by preserving the moisture in the skin.
The chemicals in the structure of the moisture vaccine combine with the moisturizing molecules necessary for the skin to retain water and achieve this effect. Thus, it provides a natural moisturizing feature that combines amino acids, ceramides, fatty acids, cholesterol and hyaluronic acid.
What Does Moisture Filling Do?
Removing and preventing the dryness observed on the skin for a long time and the resulting skin tension is provided by moisture filling. Formations such as wrinkles, scars and skin cracks that occur due to skin tension are also eliminated with moisture filling. By softening the skin, the moisture balance and oil balance are kept at ideal levels.
After the moisture vaccination, itching and tension in the skin disappear. With the application, the skin is refreshed and revitalized and the imbalances in skin color are eliminated. It is observed both visually and visually that the skin becomes more structured and refreshed by gaining moisture with the moisture filling.
What are the Benefits of the Moisture Vaccine?
Drying of the skin due to loss of moisture creates a very uncomfortable feeling. The wrinkled, dull, colorless and flaky appearance on the skin disappears in a short time, thanks to the moisture infusion. By preventing moisture loss in the skin with moisture injection, the skin is softened and the feeling of tension is reduced, giving the skin a lively appearance.
Smoothness is achieved on the skin thanks to the moisture filling. which makes the skin look much more dynamic and clear. The aging process on the skin can also be delayed with the moisture protection barriers contained in moisture filler and moisture vaccine.
How is Moisture Vaccine Applied?
Moisture Vaccine. or moisture filling process is known as an aesthetic procedure performed without surgery. The effects of moisture vaccination, which is known as a very comfortable procedure that takes approximately 15-20 minutes, begin to be observed immediately. The result of the effect, which continues for a month, becomes more or less obvious at the end of the sessions.
Although the applied procedure varies depending on the person's skin structure, its effect on the skin lasts for up to 1 year. As the moisture infusion begins to lose its effect, the skin; It returns to its dry, wrinkled and lifeless appearance. At the end of this process, moisture vaccination and moisture filling can be repeated according to the person's own preference. To request detailed information about moisture vaccination and to get answers to all your questions, contact Specialist Dermatologist Dr. serving in Izmir. Burcu Demirdöver’ It will be sufficient to make an appointment at.
Moisture Filling Prices
Prices to be determined for the moisture filling process; It varies depending on the area where the application will be made and the number of sessions. Before moisture filling and moisture vaccination, the skin of the person to be treated is analyzed and the skin's needs are determined. During the examination, both the procedures to be performed and the prices can be easily determined. In addition to being a stand-alone application, the moisture filling process can also be performed in combination with other aesthetic applications. Dermatology Specialist Dr. to have the moisture vaccination and filling procedure done successfully. All you have to do is make an appointment with Burcu Demirdöver’