Genetic factors, smoking, alcohol, and constant fatigue further increase the negative effects of aging. Considering the importance of the eyebrow in the expression it gives to the face, problems with the eyebrows become a very important situation. For this reason, various methods are used to eliminate the unaesthetic appearance. Botox between the eyebrows is one of the best methods to restore the aesthetics between the two eyebrows and the face in general.
Botox between the eyebrows
The formation of vertical wrinkles and lines between the eyebrows due to the permanent frown of the eyebrows. Situations such as droopy eyebrows increase the need for botox. For this reason, wrinkles and lines are mostly seen in the eyebrow area. These lines and wrinkles can cause a constantly angry or constantly tired appearance. With the Botox procedure applied between the eyebrows, this non-aesthetic appearance is eliminated.
Botox Application Between the Eyebrows Izmir
Between the eyebrows. muscles found; Over time, it loses its effect and weakens due to various reasons. Botox is injected into these areas where the muscles are weakened, preventing the muscles there from contracting. In this way, the wrinkled and lined appearance is eliminated.
Applying Botox to other areas, including the eyebrow area, at regular intervals gives permanent results over time. It reveals things. In other words, regular application of botox between the eyebrows reduces the appearance of wrinkles even when the botox effect wears off over time.
The fact that botox between the eyebrows is non-surgical is also important in terms of its effect. Its long-term and effective nature makes this application preferable. Since the needles used during the application have a special elastic structure, they prevent possible problems to a large extent. The fact that this method, which takes only 5-10 minutes, is painless, and the slight pain felt is neutralized with anesthetic creams, makes this application different from other applications.
Shortly after the application, individuals can feel stronger. The most advantageous aspects of the application are that they can continue their daily lives without any problems and that minor redness at the injection points can be eliminated with the ice complex. Even if the ice complex is not applied, the fact that the redness disappears in a short time is the biggest proof that this procedure is harmless.
In case the vertical line between the eyebrows is very deep, the botox procedure can be combined with the filling procedure. . In this case, filler application can be applied, which is an effective method to increase the effect and permanence of the procedure.
Brow Brow Botox Application Steps
Botox procedure. The first thing that needs to be done before it is carried out is to analyze the region. Situations such as the extent of the problems in the area and the determination of the botox dose to be injected are determined during this analysis. Then, anesthetic cream is applied to the analyzed area. This cream aims to minimize pain. Finally, filler or botox is injected. This extremely effective method takes approximately 5 minutes.
How Long Does the Effect of Botox Between the Eyebrows Last?
After the application, apply Botox. Its effect begins within 3-4 days and it takes 7-10 days for the effect to be fully established. finds. Its effect remains permanent for 4-6 months, depending on how intensely the person uses his/her facial muscles. At the end of six months, this effect completely returns.
Who Can Have Botox Between the Eyebrows?
There is no age limit when applying this procedure. Although it is not required, being over 18 years of age is strictly required. This is what is healthy.
What are the prices of Botox between the eyebrows?
The cost of Botox between the eyebrows; It may vary depending on the amount of injection required, the condition of the area and the application of the specialist. In some cases, botox can be applied together with filler, which is an important factor affecting the prices of botox between the eyebrows. If you are complaining about the wrinkles between your eyebrows, Izmir dermatologist Dr. You can contact Burcu Demirdöver and have eyebrow botox applied safely in a short time.