The area around the eyes has very thin and sensitive skin. Intensive use of the muscles in this area leads to the formation of superficial and deep wrinkles over time. Wrinkles in this area are called "crow's feet". is given the name. More than one method is used to eliminate wrinkles that occur in and around the eyes. The first and most preferred of these is undoubtedly eye contour botox. Izmir eye contour botox practitioner Dermatology Specialist Dr. Burcu Demirdöver; He states that botox procedures started before the static wrinkles that exist at rest will result in fewer signs of aging in the future.
What is Botox?
Wrinkles that may appear due to constant use of facial expressions and aging can be completely covered or at least reduced with Botox. The fact that Botox leaves a permanent effect when used regularly makes this method advantageous. Botox leaves much more permanent effects, especially on wrinkles that have just begun to form or remain very thin.
Which Wrinkles Does Botox Remove?
It is possible to eliminate wrinkles in many areas with Botox application. At the same time, getting botox regularly can prevent future wrinkle formation.
- Wrinkles in the forehead area
- Wrinkles between the eyebrows
- Wrinkles around or under the eyes
- Wrinkles around the lips and mouth
How is Botox performed around the eyes?
- First, the points where the injection will be made are marked
- Anesthetic cream is applied to the area where the procedure will be performed.
- The area to be applied is cleaned with antiseptic solutions.
- Injection process is applied.
Intermittent ice application is applied immediately after the procedure.
Who Should Not Have Botox Around the Eyes?
- As with other botox applications, this procedure is not performed on pregnant and breastfeeding women.
- Botox is not applied to people under the age of 18.
- This procedure is not recommended for individuals with bleeding disorders such as hemophilia.
- This procedure is not recommended for those with neuromuscular junction diseases such as myasthenia gravis.
What Should Be Considered Before Botox Application?
Before the application, the doctor should be informed about the medications the person is using. Individuals who use medications such as painkillers, aspirin, and antibiotics should take medication at least two weeks before the procedure. They must stop using it.
Food consumed before the application changes the course of the application. Çübecause&uum; Foods such as green tea, garlic and fish oil prevent blood clotting and therefore increase the tendency to bleeding. For this reason, these foods should not be consumed 2 weeks before the application. Again, alcohol consumption should be stopped 3 days before the application, and if there are conditions such as herpes, the application should be postponed.
What Should Be Considered After Eye Contour Botox Application?
- Unlike other procedures, the area needs to be moved after botox application. For this reason, it is necessary to use these areas and apply facial expressions within 2 hours.
- Ice complex can be applied every 15 minutes in the first 24 hours to eliminate any redness, swelling or bruising that may occur on the skin due to the procedure. However, direct contact with ice is not correct.
- In the first 24 hours, your face will be cleaned. It is harmful to rub your skin, apply make-up, take a hot bath or shower, and do intense sports.
- Smoking and alcohol should not be consumed excessively until 3 days after the procedure.
- Skin care types such as peeling should not be done during the first week.
What are the Prices of Botox around the Eyes?
Botox prices may vary depending on the area where the procedure will be applied, the intensity of the problem, and the amount of injection. To get information about eye botox prices and to make an appointment, contact Izmir eye botox practitioner Dermatologist Dr. Contact Burcu Demirdöver’s now!